
недеља, 29. април 2012.

Nina Dobrev victima en el programa Punk’d

The Vampire Diaries 3x21 Extended Promo | "Before Sunset" [HD]

Julie Plec on "The Departed"

[Spoiler] "The flashback in the finale is a nice, small little runner that goes through the entire episode as Elena is looking back on a part of her life when things were just more simple, at least from a supernatural level,That's going to lead a lot of people to think 'Oh, they're going to reveal something huge about the way that accident went down, and I will still say what I said three years ago. That was an accident, period, end of story, no supernatural influence."

Timeline covers

Iza scena: Finale “Vampirskih dnevnika”

New from twitter

And the result! Jackson Pollock inspired! I mean,I'm no JP but there's no harm in playing.. :P. Lol but look at my foot