
недеља, 29. април 2012.

Nina Dobrev victima en el programa Punk’d

The Vampire Diaries 3x21 Extended Promo | "Before Sunset" [HD]

Julie Plec on "The Departed"

[Spoiler] "The flashback in the finale is a nice, small little runner that goes through the entire episode as Elena is looking back on a part of her life when things were just more simple, at least from a supernatural level,That's going to lead a lot of people to think 'Oh, they're going to reveal something huge about the way that accident went down, and I will still say what I said three years ago. That was an accident, period, end of story, no supernatural influence."

Timeline covers

Iza scena: Finale “Vampirskih dnevnika”

New from twitter

And the result! Jackson Pollock inspired! I mean,I'm no JP but there's no harm in playing.. :P. Lol but look at my foot

четвртак, 26. април 2012.

The Vampire Diaries 3x21 Promo - "Before Sunset" (HD)

S03E22 Promotional Photos

The Vampire Diaries Canadian Promo 3x21 - Before Sunset

Ian Somerhalder Thinks Damon Would Use Booze and Sorority Girls to Get Over Elena on The Vampire Diaries (VIDEO)

April 26: Shopping at Fred Segal, Los Angeles

Never Let Go of Delena is trending on Worldwide!

Eternal Stelena is TTWW ! :)

Vampirski dnevnici tema magazina “SERIJE+”


1. Stefan/Elena shippers... your time is now. As promised, the former lovebirds attend the dance together, and it serves as a good opportunity for them to address everything they've been through in the past year. Despite all the tragedy, these two really support each other throughout the episode. In that tearful photo of Elena, she's not crying because she's saying goodbye to Stefan -- in fact, by the end of this episode, their relationship is stronger than it's been all season.

2. With the vampires trapped at the dance, the humans have to take over the fight... but it doesn't go very well. Matt and Jeremy will point weapons at each other in this episode. Matt's got a gun, Jeremy's got a crossbow, and they'll find themselves in a face-off. It's pretty hot.

3. Bonnie and Jamie grow closer. They not only find time for a hot make-out session (interrupted by Damon, unfortunately) but Bonnie finds herself being vulnerable with Jamie after a year of trying to be strong for everyone.

4. Esther's betrayal pushes Klaus over the edge. If he's been a little soft lately -- what with the painting and the pining -- we'll see his dark, terrible side resurface by the end of the episode. He's going to scare us again.

5. The most powerful scene of the entire episode has no dialogue in it at all..

New cover

S03E22 Promotional Photos